Thursday, October 18, 2007

Black sheep of the 'family'

Former Eagles player lost his life,
Ben Cousins was behind it.
Leave him alone,
He’ll get his own
Eleven year olds will be just like him.

Ladies and gents this clever little diddy was thought up by yours truly to the tune of Little Bow Peep (which has made me very aware of how I spend the better part of my time).

Ladies and gents I am royally peeved about certain issues surrounding Ben Cousins, the first about how someone such as himself will be seen as being an addict and not just some cocky football player. The second is how people who bust their chops get nothing in return. These issues are interrelated because Mr Cousins is living proof that people who do the wrong thing suffer only slightly whilst people who do the right thing suffer far greater.

Ben Cousins is not a drug addict, you know how I? If you have ever watched a game of footy you’d know that it’s a competitive sport, not only that but how of those footballers would you say aren’t fit? A true addiction is defined, on, as;

devoted or given up to a practice or habit or to something psychologically or physically habit-forming (usually fol. by to): to be addicted to drugs.

-How could a footballer possibly be in a state where they are constantly messed up on drugs, they couldn’t! They couldn’t cause it would interfere with their training and performance, an addict can only go so long without a score of something no matter what it is, I should know I have seen it. All Mr Cousins is addicted to is recreational use of drugs, living the life of a celebrity. They would not have released him from rehab if he weren’t ‘cured’ from his addiction would they, this makes Ben good at two things, being a footballer and a good actor, perhaps they’ll give him a role on Home and Away since football doesn’t want him anymore.

Whilst Mr Cousins will continue to be treated as the ‘addict’ who just couldn’t help himself and not for the idiot he is, people with actual problem are being jerked around. For those of you who know nurses have gone on strike to get their wages raised and I say why the hell not? They are some of the hardest working people you will ever know, they save lives and break their backs, but what’s splashed on the front page of the paper instead of hard workers? BEN COUSINS!

Don’t worry, I have a way to fix it, the nurses should appeal to the AFL since they will have to be the ones to looks after Mr Cousins when he OD’s or tries to kill himself from the inevitable ‘depression’ he shall get from not being able to do what he loves anymore. If the AFL can pay to have Mr Cousins rehabilitated then a nurses measly 6% wage increase seems more then just to me.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Music makes the world seem less fishy

Ladies and gents this blog is going to cover going to cover a few emotions or thoughts but it is all in relation to one issue I assure you.

Arguing, I try and avoid it as often as possible but I am heated or passionate about the issue at hand watch out. I will be ruthless and if provoked I will lose my mind and say things that I don’t know nescarily mean, people who don’t know this about me don’t know me well enough. A fight and a debate is essential from time to time and I do mean it when I say essential, I come from a migrated Italian family it is part of my life, its how we sort things out, well that’s how I view it anyway.

Talking to yourself or a friend or all of your friends helps with the problem at hand, after all that’s what friends are for right, to patiently listen to all that you have to say and then making light of the situation But if there is one thing I have learned from all my relationships I have been in and around with friends, under no circumstance are you to mouth off to the third person in a relationship, it will only get you into trouble that you shall ultimately regret.

Hypocrisy is a funny thing for two reason, the first being its just a funny word to say really I like to think of it as a broken down word smushed together hip-roc-arcy the second thing being that we will all fall into itsclutches many a time through out our lives. Hypocrisy comes to my attention of late because I had a rather……unpleasant and unnecessary argument with someone and in this persons argument they made a claim and should be feeling terribly silly because they have now rebutted their own argument in a very public manner –embarrassing much?

“Violence is not the way, peace is the only way” –is a quote I remember from the Fat Pizza movie and applies to my ranting blog, I remember it because you cannot beat yourself up about things that are not in your control, so peace I shall have. Peace is not really the correct term, but seeing as I have nothing nice to say I wont say anything at all and things shall remain as they are…perhaps the word is transition phase limbo is a better word still, but at least I know where I stand and what value is in this world to the people that matter the most to me.