Saturday, November 04, 2006

My life changing year

One of the most significant and memorable years of my life (so far) was when I turned fifteen, everything changed for me things happened that I think should have happened in my later years but then again I wouldn’t be who I am today without those experiences. The things that I will talk about are not extraordinary things, but they are events that change you no matter when they happen to you or how, I realised how much being fifteen changed me when I did a little reflection on my diaries from the past, here are some of the things that happened to me:

· My older sister started getting rebellious towards my parents and started getting into trouble and would set the standard of what about happen to me if I did the same thing
· Friends started going from first base with guys to sneaking home, and we were noticing boys a hell of a lot more then before
· Befriended an older guy who seemed so worldly and wise at the time, Red Knob Chicken legs (aka Tony)
· The year I had gone from being a ‘maria’ to a ‘punk’ and was in love with Craig Nichol from The Vines and Foo Fighters rocked my world (fooey’s still do)
· I met one of my best friends (even to this day) and then for the first time I fell in love with him (Marroune, F. S)
· Got my heart broken for the first time, from boyfriend who turned out to be a ‘psycho’ aka Sebastian (Mia and Mon know who I’m talking about)
· Everyone, including me, had a crush on (at some point) the same guy and there was a huge scandal and love triangle when looking on it now was so ridiculously insane (Hi Dave, lol)
· I had made the decision of what I wanted my first (and last) tattoo to be and what it would represent and it was because of this particular year in y life that I am happy I chose what I did (it makes sense YAY!)
· I started going against my parents and doing things behind their backs, wagging school, lying and what not
· Genuinely wanted to die for the first time in my life, (was warned by psycho ex not to die a virgin) saw a psychologist who was a complete idiot and decided to become one myself so people wouldn’t have to suffer idiots like that guy (having a degree doesn’t mean you a degree in people skills)
· Got my first actual job working at Bi-Lo which meant forced people skills which made me come out of my social shell, now look at me, no good came from Bi-Lo except that and meeting Kara
· Learned verbally and physically what giving a hand and head job entailed (don’t judge people)
· Had first truly significant death in the family, it was really tough on me because she was a wonderful person RIP Zia Fiorina
· Had first ‘proper’ type relationship with a guy, learnt that sometimes if you really like a guy who will treat you right you have to go all the way to Geelong, got my first love letter (still got it), brought him home to meet the folks for the first time
· Was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) my parents never questioned me being in pain for no reason ever again
· Lost my virginity and found that sex was not overrated if anything it was underrated

See a lot of things happened and all in 365 days from birthday to birthday it’s scary, but its a little time line of when I was fifteen. I want to know now what years were significant for everyone else and if you like why.


At 6:11 pm, November 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg, thats so funny, god reminising, scary -Mon

At 7:56 pm, November 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know how or why it happened but I find, after reading this blog, that I am now waering your underpants. You know the ones with "Sunday" embroidered on them.
I'm so confused.....

At 8:32 pm, November 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes...the opposite sex...I remember grade 8 was the most chaotic year of my life, I was a year ahead so...counting back I was...12 turning 13, and it was just like a swtich was flicked, all the politics and stratification you expected with kids was thrown out the window. It was a matter of holding onto as many friends as you could and hoping you came out the other side...still, the most important year for me was about this age, 15 turning 16...loooooooooooot of stuff happened, dunno if my blog is ready for that


Great stuff Belinda.


At 8:33 pm, November 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


have our lives always been this dramatic... god by the sounds of your list it actually looks like things have actually calmed down a little in our old age! hahahaha

well i loved ya then and i sure as hell luv ya now

ciao bella,

At 8:34 pm, November 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its scary, part of me thinks last year was the most life changing year, part of me thinks it was this year. so ill start with last year.

// It all started when isi and i became "lifepartners" (the second best part of the year).
// Got drunk for the first time then discovered the joys of getting drunk as often as possible to forget everything
// Made out with 2 guys in one night for the first time
// Spent the night in a guys arms for the first time (just sleeping lol)
// Kissed a girl for the first time
// Started lying to my parents (more so than i already was anyway)
// Lost my main group of friends, gained an entirely new group of friends
// Realised my dream of going to melbourne uni wouldn't happen
// Attemtped suicide seriously for the first time
// Got over my fear of giving head
// Snuck a guy into my room for the first time
// First serious boyfriend (I love you brett, best part of the year)
// First proper job

as for this year:

To many to list but i think the main part is that last year was so all over the place, i hated life more often than not, even after getting together with brett things were shit, was a mess after year 12, drinking too much as well as other stuff, but this years been a chance to settle down, i did get into uni, brett did stick by me through a lot of crap, i have a second job which i absoloutely love, ive gotten closer to my friends and have even regained the group that i lost to some extent, as well as gaining even more amazing friends who i love to death... so in order to stop this from going any longer i have to say that both years are a draw... oh and i finally had sex this year... lol sorry couldnt resist.

At 7:28 pm, November 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was goin 2 giv u a kiss, for makin me feel special enough 2 b written about -Fadi

At 7:45 pm, November 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i was never involved in the dave scandal.....hampster man never appealed to me lol.....

the best year of my life is this year i have figured out who my friends for life are and am happy living day to day.....

At 7:52 pm, November 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Sam! I didn't have a crush on Dave =P

Great to hear that too, Sam; that's really great.

At 9:02 am, November 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to say that the year i was 18 was one of the hardest years of my life, first challenges were parli, exams, deciding what i wanted to do and what i could get into. Then going off to tafe, being in a class with guys for the first time since primary school, having a proper boyfriend, sex, my Aunt dying, my cousin suiciding, breaking up, crying, depressed, while studying.

Somehow i managed to get through it all, i'm not sure if it was devine intervention, or just pure stubborness, because at times i did want to give up. Here's hoping 19 will be much better!

At 6:08 pm, November 06, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Haha, i remember starting to notice girls at like 12... but then not losing my virginity till my 17th birthday. But honestly the best year of my life is still in the making, it started about May of this year when i started going out and making friends again... you read my blog, so you know what it's been like lately.

At 9:41 am, November 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was I in love with dave? i dont remember that?
love ya

At 10:12 am, November 08, 2006, Blogger Urkat said...

Wow, that would require a lot of reflection. I don't know what year was most significant for shaping who I've become. I'll have to think about that one. Good post. Matt

At 10:50 am, November 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww I got a mention!
Love you dean long time!

At 2:00 pm, November 09, 2006, Blogger ish said...

Wow this shook me up a bit, reminds me of whats happening around me, almost makes me feel like life experiences are passing me by with every fleeting minute. At the age of 15 thats quite a bit to get through, and i am 16, nearly 17 and cant say i truly know much about half the things on that list. What interesting lives we lead...


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