Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Just gray

Colour is deceiving, I figured this out last night whilst I entered a discussion with my friend Daniel, I realised that people see things in colour, and colour is tricky because with the slightest alteration of shade it can become something else, something that it is not. With this I thought about photos, not only photos but ones in black and white, with this I thought about all the objects that would make for beautiful black and white photographs. Then it hit me, why try and capture something beautiful when the most beautiful thing of all is hidden beneath layers of colour? I'm talking of course about the naked human form. One of natures better creations if I do say so myself, a naked human body is vulnerable and honest, it cannot lie, it cannot be something it was never intended to be, it is what it is. my thoughts kept going along this track and I decided I wanted to find a photo of the naked female body and see it in black and white, because the combination of bare flesh and black and white showed truth, honesty, pure beauty, all the things that any person can appreciate. Unlike colour black and white has no alterations to it; there are just depths of gray in which allow us to see what runs deeper then two powerful shades. I’d like to be able to see the world in black and white, honest yet allows room for depth with gray. I want people to stop judging what is supposed to be 'beauty' and see us for what we really are, a variety of shapes and sizes, look beyond what we are not and appreciate us for our differences, once you've done this I believe the door of opportunity opens wider. Stop seeing people in colour, see them in black and white, to show truth, depth and with it you will realise that everything is just gray


At 3:45 pm, September 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The defining quality of Dasein is that it is not anything at all, it simply is...the essence of Dasein lies in it's existence.

-Martin Heidegger


At 5:32 pm, September 28, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Colour is decieving... But so is life, that's why i like colour. Oh and good call on naked bodies ;)
But i think alot of people will agree that the female form is soo much more beautifully formed than the male.
But this whole topic brings to mind a song by my favourite band Live, 'The Beauty of Gray' Listen to it.

At 1:39 pm, September 30, 2006, Blogger Urkat said...

Bee, As usual you make a great point. We're often deceived by appearances--blinded by looking. It has also been said that the present conceals more than it reveals. I too value the kind of honesty you're talking about. There's not much difference between the greatest and the least of us.

At 3:33 am, October 03, 2006, Blogger brad said...

That's right. Grayscale images allow one to focus of the underlying form of the object instead of the variations in color on the surface.

At 2:55 pm, October 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why didnt you use your naked body ?

At 4:59 pm, October 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little known fact, when you put even a little black paint in white paint, its grey. And no matter how much white paint you put in from that point on it stays grey.

Hence nothing is ever simply black and white.


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