Saturday, September 23, 2006

Self absorbed

Usually I have no problem in doing things for the people I care about, even if it takes me out of my comfort zone and I have to make some sacrifices, usually I am un-phased by it because I know that if ever I needed something that they would do the same for me, not that I expect them to do something cause I did something for them but I do expect getting a helping hand when I lend my own out to people. Anyway I just realised something, that one person that I have been helping out has become really self absorbed and it makes me sick! After suffering many years around self absorbed people I rid myself of them last year and started afresh and thought I wouldn’t have to put up with it because I wasn’t going to have these people in my life, clearly I was wrong. there has been one person constantly in my presence who has been nothing but selfish and it doesn’t matter what I, or anyone else did to try and make this persons life better every time I or someone else needs that helping hand we get pushed away. Its especially hard when it is someone so close to you that even with all your rage and strength behind you all you have to see is a pair of sad brown eyes and all you want to do is stop that pain, but for what? Most of the time the pain is self inflicted because this person, by now, should know better and should be able to handle themselves in a more capable manner considering their age but they don’t seem to appear to want to. I want to strangle this person at present but then I think is it really worth it? I understand that this person has got their own shit going on but so do I, and where has my helping hand been when I have needed it? I have struggled through some tough times and all I have ever wanted and needed was a quick "if ever you need me I am here for you", but not only the words but the sincerity behind it and that person being there. I know your reading this right now and you'll be mad and even angered by my words but think about how I feel and how it affects me for once and stop being so self absorbed


At 3:38 pm, September 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm i kno exactly how u this point i am goin through the same thing with someone i consider to be very close

At 5:08 pm, September 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The girl knows how to do a rant. Glad you're letting it all come out Belinda.


At 12:22 pm, October 04, 2006, Blogger Urkat said...

Sometimes you have to call their bluff and not come running when they call. A lot of their behavior may be attention seeking behavior. People will depend on you as long as you let them.


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