Sunday, August 20, 2006

No need to be jealous

I was on MSN I saw that a mate of mine (vasa) was on so I said hello, got no reply, so I sent a nudge and I got a response, saying this is not vasa, so I figured it was either his mates or his brother, turned out to be some hacker who broke into his account because he wanted to find out if vasa was 'fake'. You see vasa is this great guy, very easy going and fun has a lot of friends has got a god family and attracts the ladies, and this guy was jealous and wanted to see if it was an act so he thought he'd ask one of his friends, and I happened to be the only person on vasa's MSN list at the time. Anyway this guy was going on about how much he hated vasa because vasa had everything going for him, this rubbed me the wrong way royally, I told him a little truth, I said 'vasa has worked hard for everything he has got and he deserves it because he is a genuine person', still this guy wouldn't give up, so naturally I cracked it and told him something along the lines of this; "stop being jealous and get over it, if there is something you don't like in your life you are the only one who can change it, some people are more fortunate then others but most of the time people have to work hard to have an abundance of good luck and good fortune come to them, its all about being a good person." so he got the message and logged off, anyway the point is that you shouldn't be jealous of what other people have, cause the likelihood of you having the same thing all comes down to a little elbow grease and some work. You want something to change then do it yourself and change it, life does not wait for you, time wont stand still so it is up to you to go and do something about it and for the love of Pete stop being jealous!


At 3:02 am, August 21, 2006, Blogger brad said...

So true. Life is what you make it.

At 3:05 pm, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hacker sounds psychotic.


At 3:07 pm, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am jealous
how come noone ever hacks into my msn saying how much they are jealous they are of me....
that hurts man.....
noone likes me :(

At 11:01 pm, August 21, 2006, Blogger Urkat said...

The Dream the Cat Had

We dream of poetry, some of us, of a certain style of writing that expresses the best that’s in us; where words come together in surprising combinations to reveal a deeper stratum of the world than we’re used to; a style more dreamlike which, through our own subjective seeing brings objectivity into being. A language wholly personal yet understood by all. It’s the language of the leaf, as natural as death. It’s our chance to care about what matters, even if what matters is the pattern of a shadow. We dream of poems that heal the soul and reconcile us to a heartless world.

At 6:14 pm, August 22, 2006, Blogger Poks said...

In order to be happy, one needs to be content of what one is able to accomplish. Each individual is different and therefore accomplishments and stature in life are different as well. Donald Trump is rich as is Richard Brunson but you can not compare them as they are different as night and day. One should never compare one's self to another because that is the root of jealousy. One needs to look at one's self and try to be the best that his/her situation is giving then maybe someday one gets lifted to another level because he/she is the best of the lot.

At 4:20 am, August 23, 2006, Blogger Urkat said...

And if you're not the jealous type, people will envy you for that.

At 7:13 pm, August 24, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Cuddy, i agree... What aren't i good enough to hack??? j/k
Seriously though some people have way too much time on their hands.


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