Thursday, June 29, 2006


Relationships start off like a giant block of ice, we look at it from every angel and side and think of what we would like to mould this frozen structure into something beautiful. This is not an easy task, as we chisel away to create this thing of beauty, some of us a fortunate to make something grand, a few flaws here and there but nothing that is unbearably obvious, then there are those of us who keeping working the ice and manage to divide it and have two things or beauty one in which we work first until it is broken and we are unable to manage it much longer, and the second we find that we are able to live with despite a slight meltdown and a few cracks. The problem is when we are unable to make a thing of beauty and we continue to chisel until there is nothing left, we get on our hands and knees to try and scoop up the remains of what could of and should have been something beautiful. Our block of ice is not only ours to sculpt it takes a team effort to determine whether or not it will be a thing of beauty or we shall chisel to the size of an ice cube. The fact remains that we all have different views of beauty and the way we want to sculpt the ice, the key is to find a sculptor who shares a similar vision of beauty, someone who does not care for the judgment of what other people perceive as beautiful. Then together you can sculpt this vision you both share and despite its slight imperfections and cracks, when kept in the right condition this vision may be kept for as long as the two sculptors agree on its beauty.


At 10:51 am, June 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true. Ice is a very sexy object and I'm sure you would make a great sculptor! Congrats on the article very well written.


At 11:53 am, June 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a lil easier when the two sculptors have the same ideas from the outset otherwise it can be a lil tricky

At 6:33 pm, June 29, 2006, Blogger Ciaran said...

interesting thing belinda...relationships...and stuff...ius that you know more bout in all stuff....just saying...
what did you like the movies or what

At 10:44 pm, June 29, 2006, Blogger brad said...

Interesting way to think about it, and it brings out the point that a relationship is team project.

At 5:07 am, June 30, 2006, Blogger San Nakji said...

Just put a heat lamp on it! That would mould it quickly ;o)

At 10:50 am, June 30, 2006, Blogger Urkat said...

Spicey, Thanks for looking at my blog. I agree with you, we should put our opinions out there for people to see. I was scared of that picture of you in the zoo though. Glad those other critters respected you enough not to eat you. Best, Urkat

At 4:31 pm, June 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great master piece, keep up the your good writing as I watch with interest


At 4:43 pm, June 30, 2006, Blogger Mable said...

Sculptors do change with time. Feelings, attitudes towards life, mental states - they do not remain stable throughout a person's life but I like how you have thought through what relationships mean. In having done this, you will always have a base to return to in ensuring that your sculpture will always be beautiful. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I have lived half century and I am always glad to be able to catch glimpses of a young person's mind and life. I have teenagers and they give me heartaches sometimes but most times they are just wonderful people and I love them a great deal. Cheers!

At 11:58 pm, July 01, 2006, Blogger Omochi said...

In relationships, people with similar views and interests tend to stick together better despite what people say about opposites attracting. Though that does sometimes occur also.

It's seems that human nature tends to automatically makes a person deviate towards another that is very similar to ourselves. I love the ice. Very lovely analogy.

Working together is good, otherwise it'll turn out like our University's Biological Science building where the many architects couldn't agree with anything during it's creation and so we now have some doors that are in the middle of nowhere and floating on walls while others lead to a face full of concrete. XP

I wonder how much all those extra doors cost. That place is still confusing...

At 4:33 pm, July 05, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

very insightful B.
I wasn't aware you could be so deep.
Hope to hear more.

At 10:51 pm, July 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very insightful Bee.

Any particular reason why you chose ice over something like clay or wood?

At 8:01 am, July 09, 2006, Blogger Poks said...

Life, relationships, sculpting... an individual choice as to what we make of it... and an individual point of view if what we have made of it is a work of art or trash.

People around us gives insights, inspiration, experiences that we use as references in creating. We do not really ask for their inputs while we create our life but we do listen and digest what they have to offer and this is an ingredient in the final work that we offer the world.


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