Friday, March 10, 2006

Heart or Head?

Most people in life get through it by using both their heart and head to deal with matters, the heart being our emotions, what we feel and the head being our logic, knowledge and facts. This is all very basic and it works when these two things cooperate with one another. But what happens when the heart says one thing and your head says the complete opposite? There are times when we should just stop using our heads and go with our hearts yet there is also times when we need to stop using our hearts and use our heads. What should we do when these occasions arise listen to the heart or the head? Does the heart conquer all or shall the mind prevail?


At 1:26 am, March 11, 2006, Blogger Not this time said...

Totally depends, la. Totally depends. And if you're anything like me, you'll start by following your head, and then your heart will ultimately prevail... and you'll wonder WHY!?!? Why am I such a girl ?!?

At 6:23 am, March 11, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

thanks thora, many people are like that and have that opinion i think for me it depends on the issue at hand in which my heart and head are conflicting over

At 9:16 am, March 11, 2006, Blogger Faerynight said...

Interesting, actually emotions are controlled not by your heart but the biochemicals in your head, so using your head will really put you in touch with your emotions.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog and commenting!! I really appreciate it.

At 5:34 pm, March 11, 2006, Blogger Ciaran said...

If you would read over my blog again maby it would aswer your quistion
Im getting ma.......ied

At 7:32 am, March 12, 2006, Blogger A.C said...

Hola Belinda! Tu blogger es divertido! Por favor mirá el mío

At 5:08 pm, March 12, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

thanks for the comment guys even the ones that arent in english

At 11:35 pm, March 20, 2006, Blogger brad said...

Like thora wrote, it depends. I'm one of those listen-to-head people, but know that being guided by emotions sometimes is a good thing. Yeah, knowing when is the trick.

At 12:44 pm, March 21, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

yeah...your right

At 1:01 pm, June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you should go with whatever feel right at the time and deep inside you will no its right mwah


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