Friday, March 10, 2006

My friends who look similar to celebrities

This is my dear friend Bryce who just happens to look like Ben Lee

Mia and the Veronicas, isn't the resemblance striking?
Cuddy and the Hoff, they share the same first name and the same hair
This is my new freind Daryl and Mr T, little freaky huh?
Adam and Dave Grohl, inspiration by poster in my room


At 1:10 pm, March 10, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

its funny cause its true

At 7:46 am, March 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's rather scary...but yet so cool. Maybe you're a celebrity look-alike magnet!
Next thing you know a guy who looks like Tom Cruise will come over for lamb roast at your place!
(I hope people actually get that)

At 7:49 am, March 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh bryce is so spunky

i love how serious he looks in that photo, i mean it- its BRILLIANT!! and pretty, just not fair



At 7:48 pm, March 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahahaha damn the Mr T lookalike is sexy!

At 7:53 pm, March 14, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

damn zippy :)


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