Wednesday, March 08, 2006

So many fringes

Okay for those of you people who don't know what an emo is I'll give you a little description that mia and I defined it as:]

emo: an emotional punk that slits it wrists dyes its hair black and several unnatural colours and covers one side of its face with a fringe in order to gain attention

you can find emo's by going onto myspce and looking at the many many fringes!


At 7:01 pm, March 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Also u are a snob

but at least ur not emo. fuck i hate them

At 12:07 am, March 10, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

myspace myspace myspace myspace myspace my pretty little pge...check it out!

haha dan love you too buddy fucken emo's dont kno when to cut their fringes

kara by my definition your not an emo so dont eevn worry about it mwahs! love you both


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