Relationships aren't always easy
Relationships, despite what kind they are aren't always easy. At some point there is hurt, pain, anguish, confusion and general discomfort the 'perfect' relationship does not exist without these elements coming into play once in a while. Our complex human emotions is what separates us from the animals......But perhaps the animals had the right idea, when animals come together they stick together there is not hate for other species because they have the balanced hierarchy of nature. Some animals mate for life without any promiscuity, how nice would that be? There is love, there is the sharing of the parental role, perhaps instead of seeing animals and believing that we a superior we can take a lesson from them and discover what it truly means to go back to our roots. Perhaps our complex ways are too complex....Perhaps the added emotions we feel are simply not required but acquired through the evolution of the human race. Human relationships are never going to be without flaw, pain or suffering but perhaps we should take some time out and tone down the complexity and be one with the animals.
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