Friday, January 27, 2006


I'm all for romance I think its sweet and wonderful and very little of it in the world especially in younger generations. It's not about flowers and candy its about sentimental gestures and doing things for the ones we care about out of impulse and because we want to. I believe that many people are under the rogue that romance is all you need to make a relationship work, let me tell you something its not! A good relationship takes work and fights and anger amongst the other wonderful emotions some people believe that once the romance is 'gone' that the relationship is over but I think the ideals of romance change as the relationship progresses. My mum thought it was romantic that my dad got her flowers and such at the beginning of the relationship but now her idea of romance in their 26 year marriage is dad taking her for a walk along the beach. People need to accept these things ad appreciate the sometimes subtle and sweet gestures and see them as true romance rather then the romance dying!


At 12:26 am, January 28, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

this comment that i will put up will link very neatly with john mayer, his song split screen sadness....i thinks its significant. maybe you think different let me know

At 12:29 am, January 28, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

All you need is love is a lie cause
We had love but we still said good bye
Now we're tired battered fighters

At 6:28 pm, February 13, 2006, Blogger Ciaran said...

That thing a bob story rubbed against by heart
It is hard to be romantic if your very bad off with money
You know expensive suits

You know shit like that

At 9:28 pm, February 13, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

yeah but thats shits not always imporattn especially to some people

At 9:48 pm, February 13, 2006, Blogger Ciaran said...

i did not mean shit in a bad way


At 11:05 pm, February 13, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

lol its okay i know what you meant but its not always about money romance is most times about small gestures

At 3:00 pm, February 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who knows what women want these days! one minute its this and the next minute its this.

At 11:33 pm, February 22, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

no its not...girls could say the same thing about guys, its all to do with himan natre not gender


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