Tuesday, January 24, 2006

hey spunky

Hey Michael well if you are reading this you made it to my blog…welcome! Read through check out the later months what ever you like. Leave me a comment though it doesn’t have to be anything long and grand but just a little note to let e know you were here. Check out the profile see if it gives you a little more insight on me well I’m off but in the mean time happy reading.


At 10:25 pm, January 24, 2006, Blogger jesuswasahippee said...

hey belindA!am sorry its not mike... but did not know where to leave a comment:D! its a neat blog! An thanks a ton for the comment ya left on my blog!
i was jus cranky with the work load an those were just irrational random scribblings!! anyways love does involve hardwork no deying that but still its takes a lot to actually appreciate it an it should be mutual! well anyways guys still like to hang on to the kid inside them an it takes a perfect woman to make him let go of the kid an make sure he hangs on to her!! :d
have a blast!!

At 10:32 pm, January 24, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

thats okay, yeah your scribbling made some sense though and i know what it takes to let go of the kid...but you dont have to really the 'perfect' woman shall appreciate the kid inside well thats my thoery on the matter but thanks!

At 11:26 am, January 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey spicey, i like you blog spot, and your the same age as me, so thats cool. Yeh it did suck living in Nimmitable alot, but i geuss i made it through without killing myself :) . And you live in Victoria, stupid 'power naps'. I visit my friends down there alot. Post back

At 11:39 am, January 25, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

hey michael thanks for coming to check out my blog if i were you i seriosuly would have gone insane! about 1000 people plus attended my highscool so living in a small town would have drove me nuts! where abouts are the friends you have down my way?

At 1:25 pm, January 25, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

fav country?....i dont know...havent been to any others (yet) so i am going to say australia, yours?

At 6:42 pm, January 27, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

thank you spunky and when did you get a blog and why cant i get to it?

At 2:52 pm, March 05, 2006, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

hey baby thanbks for the comment but next time just comment in the erlier posts i mean really im a fat bitch who cant be assed looking for them mwah


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