What to do?
A friend of mine was going to bash someone because a friend of his was rapped, and there is almost nothing more disgusting then a rapist to me so naturally I said go ahead. But then I stopped and thought about it, my friend had not known this girl for very long so I advised him to be cautious. I also remembered that my friend was on a good behaviour bond because of something he did that he was very ashamed of, me being concerned I put two and two together. If my friend was indeed caught and arrested for beating up a guy (despite of how much of a low life piece of scum he was) he would be charged. After being charged he would be on trial and the poor girl would have to testify to back up his storey as so he did not get a heavy sentence. Now perhaps instead of going to the police she confided in her friend because she was ashamed of what happened, most victims feel this way, so she would not want anyone to find out. Now if she didn’t want anyone to find out wouldn’t it be wise for this friend of mine not to do anything? I know that the rapist would deserve a beating of a life time and much more because he is scum but the exposure of this horrible truth would perhaps hurt this poor girl and send a man trying to take justice into his own hands to prison. So I advised against it, I also told him to mention to her that she has options that she could go to the police and such but losing a friend to prison is not worth getting one scum bag brutally bashed when the man can be taken to court and given a harsher penalty. Feed back on this conflicting issue would be good because I see both sides of the argument here.
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