Thursday, November 03, 2005

My big mistake

I know what my biggest mistake has been....Its taken me a while to come to terms with it but I now know what it is. For me my biggest mistake was a guy, being involved with someone who didn't give a shit about me, who used me and abused the trust that I had for people time and time again I was dumb enough to let him ruin my life, and sit back in the dark and be miserable with no comfort except my own sorrow but not anymore, I made sure of that now and today, I have got my own life and he has got his and that's the what thing are going to be. I hate him for all the pain he has caused me and the people he is supposed to care about, truth be told he is more worried about himself. If you are reading this K.A.S I want you to know that I don't care about you anymore...Even as a friend because I deserve better...And I have been truly happy without you.


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