Friday, November 25, 2005

general stuff

Okay people I know I have been slack in up dating but my comp has been on the skitz (stupid technological problems as always) but well let me fill you in on what has been going on lately
Well exams are over and done with I think I have done okay, but I will find out on December 12th good luck all VCE people I know how nervous most of us are to get our results. I realised something though, for all the people who are unsure of what they want to do in life are lucky. Then can take next year off work hard save money and then go back to uni as mature age students and an enter doesn’t really matter (how great is that?)
I met a boy whom I do like, he’s really nice guy and all the rest of it but he is as stubborn as all hell and it frustrates me. One of those people who won’t go to the doctor’s even if he is dying! I think he believes that he will survive through it…what ever he has or doesn’t have, but coughing up blood is never a good sign. I hope he gets better soon cause I’m really worried about that boy. (Yes Mr. I am still going to worry about you despite what you say.)
I have never been so bored in my life like there is nothing to do, last night my friend kat was over and we went for two walks and talked and we just discussed how bored we really were. This time last year I wasn’t bored I was going out with mates and celebrating the end of school but now there is nothing. No homework no nothing…. Which makes it even worse. I’m sure the holidays will perk up sooner or later.
I have a question I would like to impose on my readers, why is it that people in whom we are closest to and love and acre about hurt us the most? I understand why it hurts its because we are so close to them and we think better of them and all that but why do they hurt us in the first place? Say stupid ignorant things, which they know, will upset us and then try and half-heartedly apologise for it?


At 7:17 pm, November 25, 2005, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

JESS! hey hey darl miss you too dudette hope your holidays are awesome also
i am going to little nikki's cant wait for that its going to be a blast and a half
yes mr invincible should be going to the hopsital or else i am going to kill him arrr!
cant wait to share many many more adventures with you too


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