Sunday, October 30, 2005

Christina Rossetti (Sonette 14)

E la Sua Volondate e' nostra pace (Dante)
Sol con questi pensier, con altre chiome (Petrarca)

Youth gone, and beauty gone if ever there
Dwelt beauty in so poor a face as this;
Youth gone and beauty, what remains of bliss?
I will not bind fresh roses in my hair.
To shame a cheek at best but little fair,-
Leave youth his roses, who can bear a thorn,-
I will not seek for blossoms anywhere,
Except such common flowers as blow with corn.
Youth gone and beauty gone, what doth remain?
The longing of a heart pent up forlorn
A silent heart whose silence love and longs;
The silence of a heart which sang its songs
While youth and beauty made a summer morn,
Silence of love that cannont sing again


At 12:37 pm, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

year 11 lit :(


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