Monday, September 19, 2005

birthday weekend was awesome!

Well people what can I say my birthday came and went before I realized it, but it was AWESOME! I had so much fun it was so good and I got heaps of really awesome presents and such, but the best thing about the whole weekend was that I got to spend it with people that I like. The entire weekend was great and I'm not exaggerating when I say the entire weekend, Friday was the party with the friends, Saturday family birthday, and Sunday was the biggest bumming day I ever had! A few good friends and myself did not move off the couch all Sunday it was glorious, the only down part is I woke up this morning and there was no one to hug! I'm still trying to understand why people don't get excited about their birthday's, its a time of celebration, joy and cake! I'll put some photo's up as soon as I get them back until then be good and if you cant be good be safe.


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