Monday, August 22, 2005

some people are so stupid

ladies and gents i post a question to you all. When a person says a plain and flat out "No." do you think they mean yes? When that person keeps persisting with a question do they mean, "Yes keep annoying me until you get your way?" Because ladies and gents if they dont and no actually means no, then whay are some people so stupid and believe that it means YES! when you have to repeat yourself not once not twice but thrice you start getting a little annoyed, and people should learn that there is no hidden agenda when a person says plainly and simply; "NO!"


At 7:20 pm, August 23, 2005, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

Thanks Kara, muchly appreciated! And your right you do confuse me from time to time (damn turtle)


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